We’re happy to announce the availability of updated versions of Lucidworks for Lucene and Lucidworks for Solr

Lucidworks for Solr v1.3_01 and Lucidworks for Lucene v2.4.1 are minor update and bugfix releases, incorporating the feedback from many of our users who have downloaded and using it to power their search applications. Lucidworks releases were updated to use the latest release versions of Apache Lucene and Luke, have better windows support, fixed an issue in the deployment scripts and other bug fixes.

Lucidworks for Lucene v2.4.1 change log

  • Update luke to version 0.9.2
  • LUCENE-1415: MultiPhraseQuery has incorrect hashCode() implementation – Leads to Solr Cache misses.
  • LUCENE-1484: Remove synchronization of IndexReader.document() by using CloseableThreadLocal internally.
  • LUCENE-1611: Fix case where OutOfMemoryException in IndexWriter could cause “infinite merging” to happen.
  • LUCENE-1623: Properly handle back-compability of 2.3.x indexes that contain field names with non-ascii characters.

Lucidworks for Solr v1.3_01 change log

  • Solrworks.sh script now use provided jvm
  • Fixed a bug with windows folder names containing a space
  • Includes Lucidworks for Lucene 2.4.1 version of Apache Lucene
  • SOLR-1031: Fix XSS vulnerability in schema.jsp
  • SOLR-1064: registry.jsp incorrectly displaying info for last core initialized regardless of what the current core is.
  • SOLR-1072: absolute paths used in sharedLib attribute were incorrectly treated as relative paths.
  • SOLR-1104: Fix some rounding errors in LukeRequestHandler’s histogram
  • SOLR-1125: Use query analyzer rather than index analyzer for queryFieldType in QueryElevationComponent
  • SOLR-929: LukeRequestHandler should return “dynamicBase” only if the field is dynamic.
  • SOLR-532: WordDelimiterFilter now respects payloads and other attributes of the original Token by using Token.clone()
  • SOLR-751: WordDelimiterFilter didn’t adjust the start offset of single tokens that started with delimiters, leading to incorrect highlighting.
  • SOLR-1078: Fixes to WordDelimiterFilter to avoid splitting or dropping international non-letter characters such as non spacing marks.
  • SOLR-876: WordDelimiterFilter now supports a splitOnNumerics option, as well as a list of protected terms.

About Lucidworks

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