Lucene : Significant Software Development Developments of 2010
Javaworld’s Justin Marx posted his take on the top ten big new things in software development for 2010. Lucene snagged an honorable mention, with a shout-out to Lucid Imagination’s Grant Ingersoll:
Apache Lucene has been around for more than a decade, but 2010 was certainly a big year for Lucene. Many Java developers that I know started to get serious about Lucene in 2010 and its adoption rate certainly seems to have taken off.Grant Ingersoll provides a much more descriptive overview of Lucene in 2010 in the post The Apache Lucene Ecosystem: My View of 2010. Ingersoll highlights the merger of Lucene and Solr as well as additions and enhancements to Lucene and Solr to support trendy topics in software development such as cloud computing and location-aware applications. He also points out that Twitter used Lucene in its search engine in 2010.
You can read the full post here.
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