OSTATIC recently ran a post by Lucid CEO Eric Gries on what’s behind the uptick in the adoption of open source software and what it means for its long-term use in the enterprise.

These days, it’s practically unheard of to not investigate open source solutions as part of the decision-making process, and considering open source for enterprise search is now equally a staple:

Today’s software industry truth (understandably terrifying for commercial software vendors) is that open source development has moved way beyond delivering lower-cost “acceptable” software for budget-conscious companies. Now, more often than not, it delivers better software than commercial vendors — software that’s being adopted by successful companies where exasperated managers recognize they are being charged inflated prices to maintain and upgrade existing packaged software that simply isn’t as good as lower priced alternatives. We’re seeing this first hand in the Lucene/Solr search space in which we play — and it’s by no means unique to search.

Other factors that have affected the supply and demand for open source solutions you see?  Comments welcome.

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