What Could Go Wrong? – Stump The Chump In A Rum Bar

The first time I ever did a Stump The Chump session was back in 2010. It was scheduled as a regular session — in the morning if I recall correctly — and I (along with the panel) was sitting behind a conference table on a dais. The session was fun, but the timing, and setting, and seating, made it feel very stuffy and corporate..
We quickly learned our lesson, and subsequent “Stump The Chump!” sessions have become “Conference Events”. Typically held at the end of the day, in a nice big room, with tasty beverages available for all. Usually, right after the winners are announced, it’s time to head out to the big conference party.
This year some very smart people asked me a very smart question: why make attendees who are having a very good time (and enjoying tasty beverages) at “Stump The Chump!”, leave the room and travel to some other place to have a very good time (and enjoy tasty beverages) at an official conference party? Why not have one big conference party with Stump The Chump right in the middle of it?
Did I mention these were very smart people?
So this year we’ll be kicking off the official “Lucene/Solr Revolution Conference Party” by hosting Stump The Chump at the Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar.
At 4:30 PM on Thursday, (November 13) there will be a fleet of shuttle buses ready and waiting at the Omni Hotel’s “Parkview Entrance” (on the South East side of the hotel) to take every conference attendee to Cuba Libre. Make sure to bring your conference badge, it will be your golden ticket to get on the bus, and into the venue — and please: Don’t Be Late! If you aren’t on a shuttle buses leaving the Omni by 5:00PM, you might miss the Chump Stumping!
Beers, Mojitos & Soft Drinks will be ready and waiting when folks arrive, and we’ll officially be “Stumping The Chump” from 5:45 to 7:00-ish.
The party will continue even after we announce the winners, and the buses will be available to shuttle people back to the Omni. The last bus back to the hotel will leave around 9:00 PM — but as always, folks are welcome to keep on partying. There should be plenty of taxis in the area.
To keep up with all the “Chump” news fit to print, you can subscribe to this blog (or just the “Chump” tag).
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