As previously mentioned: On October 15th, Lucene/Solr Revolution 2015 will once again be hosting “Stump The Chump” in which I (The Chump) will be answering tough Solr questions — submitted by users like you — live, on stage, sight unseen.

Today, I’m happy to announce the Panel of experts that will be challenging me with those questions, and deciding which questions were able to Stump The Chump!

In addition to taunting me with the questions, and ridiculing all my “Um”s and “Uhh”s as I stall for time while I rack my brain to come up with a non-gibberish answer, the Panel members will be responsible for awarding prizes to the folks who have submitted the question that do the best job of “Stumping” me.

Check out the session information page for details on how to submit questions. Even if you can’t make it to Austin to attend the conference, you can still participate — and do your part to humiliate me — by submitting your questions.

To keep up with all the “Chump” related info, you can subscribe to this blog (or just the “Chump” tag).

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