Folders communication with binary code representing AI-powered automated ranking in intranet search, employee search, and workplace search.

The average employee wastes 9 hours each week searching for information. That’s an entire workday lost navigating the digital maze of outdated intranets. Frustration builds, projects stall, and ultimately, your bottom line suffers.

What if your intranet could work smarter, not harder? AI-driven search with automated ranking can revolutionize how your team finds information, collaborates, and delivers exceptional service and support.

The Problem: Traditional Search is Failing Your Employees

It’s not just about finding any document. Your employees need:

  • Intelligent Service: A search experience that anticipates their needs and provides the right answer, fast — not buried in a mountain of irrelevant results.
  • Expert Knowledge Retrieval: Seamless connections to colleagues who possess the missing piece of the puzzle, fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Proactive Support: Support teams armed with data-driven insights to identify trending topics and potential issues before they escalate into major disruptions.

Traditional search tools simply can’t keep up. They rely on outdated keyword matching and manual tagging, while your employees demand a modern, intuitive experience.

The Solution: Automated Ranking – The AI Advantage

Imagine an intranet that intuitively understands your company’s unique language and context. It effortlessly surfaces the most relevant information tailored to each employee’s role, department, and search history. It seamlessly connects individuals with the exact subject matter experts they need, fostering a vibrant culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing. And it proactively empowers your support teams with data-driven insights, identifying trending topics and potential issues before they become major problems.

That’s the power of Smart Rank. By harnessing the capabilities of machine learning, Lucidworks has engineered a search engine that dynamically adapts and evolves, continuously refining its ability to deliver the right information at the right time.

But how does it actually work? Let our experts take you behind the scenes…

The Impact: A Workplace Transformation

Smart Rank doesn’t just improve search — it transforms your entire workplace:

  • 90% reduction in manual rules: Let AI handle the heavy lifting, freeing your IT team for strategic initiatives
  • Increased productivity and employee engagement: Empower employees to find what they need quickly and easily, boosting morale and efficiency
  • Happier customers: Resolve support issues faster, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty

(Case Study: Activewear brand reduces manual search rules by 97% when transitioning from Endeca to Lucidworks.)

Ready to Get More Out of Search?

Don’t let outdated search technology hold your company back. Experience the power of AI-driven search with Smart Rank and unleash the full potential of your workforce.

Contact us today to learn more about Smart Rank and discover how AI can transform your intranet into a knowledge powerhouse, fueling employee engagement and delivering exceptional service and support.

About Lucidworks

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