Movie Search — Powered By Lucidworks Fusion

Do you have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and accounts for a host of other movie streaming platforms, and still unsure what to watch?
In celebration of the Oscars, the Lucidworks team built a movie search app that makes it easier for you to find the movie we know you’d love. Using AI-powered search and Fusion App Studio, we have been able to transform the cinematic catalog from “What should I search for?” to “Oh, that looks interesting!” Using Signals, the app will personalize results based on your actions over time.
To build this experience, we indexed movie and talent data from IMDB. We leveraged Fusion App Studio to build an awesome app experience using signals, auto suggest, facets, collaborative filtering, and movie data from IMDB on the backend.
Check out the video to see the “Recommended for You,” “Trending,” and “Top-Rated” content based on signals from Fusion. You can see details about a movie by clicking on its cover. The movie details screen surfaces additional fields like ratings and cast.
Fusion also uses signals to power collaborative filtering that surfaces movies you would probably enjoy. And when you start to search with text you can see features like auto suggest.
After clicking the filter icon in the upper left, users can drill down with facets such as genre and date to show a more focused list of results.
Watch this video for a demo:
Now, try it out! The username/password is oscar/1moviebuff. Click here to jump to the Movie Search app: Movie Search Sandbox
Let us know what movies you find with our app that you love.
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