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Presented at Activate 2018
How do you move Fusion changes from Test to Production? How can you revert changes if the bits hit the fan?
We have a method that takes the fear out of promoting changes to production.
The typical workflow for developing Fusion is live on the server. When you create a datasource from the “Datasources” screen, it is updated immediately on the server. This makes it easy to work interactively with the search engine. But from the web UI, there is not a way to save these changes to a source file, and there is no way to move from a test server into production. More importantly, there is not a way to back out problematic changes from production.
We have developed a java based command line interface using Fusion’s Rest API to implement version control and continuous integration. We are specifically using GIT, Bamboo or Jenkins, and Java JAXRS to serialize the Fusion objects. Then we use a Jersey client to call Fusion’s REST API to apply changes, just like the web UI does.
Learn more about how SAS uses Fusion.