
Financial Services Edition: The State of Generative AI in Global Business: 2024 Benchmark Report

The future of financial services is undeniably intelligent, yet our latest generative AI benchmark report reveals a surprising trend: many firms are slow to deploy this transformative technology. Despite its potential to revolutionize operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive profitability, concerns are mounting, and the race to adoption is on.

The slowdown is driven by growing concerns around implementation costs, data security, and accuracy of AI-generated outputs. However, there are bright spots: nearly 40% of financial services organizations are already reporting financial benefits from their AI initiatives.

Our report provides a roadmap for businesses navigating this evolving landscape. It includes:

  1. Industry-specific trends: Financial services organizations only deployed 1 in 4 of the AI initiatives they had planned for the year.
  2. Top challenges and concerns: One of the biggest concerns FinServ has regarding AI is data security (45%), followed by accuracy (43%) and cost (40%).
  3. Strategic planning insights: Build a tailored generative AI roadmap for your organization.

A responsible AI-powered search solution must balance personalization with stringent data protection, adhering to regulations and prioritizing client trust. As models specialize to the industry and organizations partner with search experts to build AI strategies, we anticipate financial services organizations will see more cost and revenue benefits in the near future.

—Mike Sinoway, CEO of Lucidworks

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