Activate 2019 Call for Speakers Now Open

Activate, the Search & AI Conference, will be held September 9-12, 2019 in Washington DC.
Last year, Lucidworks rebranded our annual conference to “Activate”, creating the world’s premier Search and AI conference. Like its predecessor, Lucene/Solr Revolution, the conference brought together the best from the open source Lucene/Solr project, but also increased the focus on applied AI techniques for driving enhanced relevancy and personalization, and the complementary research, technologies, and innovations happening within industry to drive the cutting edge in search and information retrieval.
Activate 2018 became a resounding success! With the largest audience ever and with presentations from over 100 speakers presenting 70 sessions that drew a global audience from 39 countries to the beautiful city of Montreal, it was our biggest and best conference to date!
This fall, we are back in the United States and are planning for even more significant growth in terms of number of attendees and number of sessions, as we once again bring together the best and brightest Search and AI minds in Washington, D.C.
For those of you working on Search and AI or within the Apache Solr ecosystem, the call for speakers is now open, and this is your chance to get in front of all those hungry minds and share your expertise.
Call for Speakers
While always keeping you up-to-date on the latest in open source Solr and complementary technologies (Spark, Fusion, Machine Learning, NLP, etc.), we also want to continue to attract and embrace a much larger, diverse community of participants interested in tackling many of the emerging interdisciplinary problems in search and relevancy.
The intersection of Search and AI continues to be the largest area of growing interest we hear from our customers, and we will further expand upon that theme this year.
Of course, these “smarts” must tie into a larger ecosystem, including a scalable search platform, engaging and assistive user experiences, and a deep understanding of the business use cases to which intelligent search is being applied.
And that’s where you come in! The call for speakers is now open for engaging talks covering the key themes, core technologies, and major use cases in Search and AI listed below:
Activate 2019 is THE place to be to showcase your brilliance as we work together to build the future of Search and AI. If you’ve worked on the above areas, please consider sharing your lessons learned, best practices, and innovative implementations with us.
Diversity of submissions is of utmost importance to us, as we learn the most when we hear from individuals of all backgrounds across all industries and job functions.
In addition to talks from dozens of committers and contributors to the Apache Lucene/Solr project, conference attendees can expect to find extensive content on open source search development, scaling search, relevance engineering, machine-learned ranking (learning to rank), knowledge graphs, NLP, entity extraction, semantic search, question-answer systems and chat bots, search personalization, recommendations, and countless other applications of AI to search.
If you have expertise in these or related areas that you would like to present, please consider submitting a talk proposal (due May 8th). A free conference pass (a $1,395 value) will also be provided for each accepted talk, and you’ll be able to present alongside many of the best and brightest innovators in Search and AI.
The Call for Submissions and Registration are both now open at
Save the Dates: September 9-12, 2019 in Washington, DC.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Trey Grainger
Chief Algorithms Officer
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