Reddit handles ~10M monthly posts and almost 3M daily comments across 138K active communities. Search is a key way Reddit’s more than 330M monthly users find content. After trying five different search stacks in 12 years, it needed a solution that could scale and quickly locate relevant content for 47M daily searches.
With Fusion, Lucidworks can deliver the fast, scalable, responsive, and relevant search solution the Reddit community requires. While matching search relevancy with the previous search engine in the initial implementation, Fusion also laid the foundation for future improvements to better optimize results.
Index time was reduced, with a full corpus index that previously required two weeks now taking just two days with ingestion rates of five thousand updates per second. Search clusters were reduced from 200 to 30 nodes. Uptime is at 99.99% with 400 queries and 1,000 updates per second including live streaming updates.