We’re pleased to announce that the list of speakers for Lucene Revolution (Boston, Massachusetts — October 7-8) has now been published! The conference features  a broad swath of thought leaders, experienced search application development participants and technologists, cutting edge architects, leading expert Apache Lucene/Solr committers and open source developers.

What’s equally interesting is the broad cross section of companies in attendance: Cisco, IBM, eHarmony, LinkedIn, Twitter, Sears, Acquia — along with a bunch you may not have heard of yet, but should — Rivet Logic, Lulu.com, Boomi, Partsearch. (Keep an eye on the agenda as speakers post their abstracts and pictures to learn more). Of course, you’ll also see the folks from Lucid Imagination — the conference also features training for Lucene and for Solr (which sold out at Apache Lucene EuroCon in Prague!). And, you’ll hear from notable search expert and gadfly Steve Arnold, the wizened oracle of the Beyond Search blog, who is chairing the conference.

Check out the agenda, tell your friends, sign up now to get the early bird registration discount — a savings of up to $395! — and we look forward to seeing you in Boston!

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