Articles by Erik Hatcher


CV Ruby Enthusiasts Group-SOLR: Searching on Lucene with Ruby

Last minute mention, in case you happen to be in the Central VA area (Richmond and surrounding areas) tomorrow night......
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Lucene and Solr 3.4.0 Released

The Apache Lucene community has just released Lucene 3.4.0 and Solr 3.4.0. You can read the official announcements here and...
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Learn Lucene… deeper

You're using Solr, or some other Lucene-based search solutions, ... or you should and will be!  You are (or will...
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Indexing rich files into Solr, quickly and easily

This past weekend I presented yet another "Rapid Prototyping with Solr" presentation, this time back in the saddle with the...
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Blog on Solr

At ApacheCon this week I presented "Rapid Prototyping with Solr".  This is the third time I've given a presentation with...
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Apache Lucene EuroCon In Review

Last week I had the privilege and pleasure to travel to Prague for our Apache Lucene EuroCon event. I want...
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Solr Search User Interface Examples

A recent Slashdot poster asked for Solr-powered "Attractive Open Source Search Interfaces".  First, for some inspiration on what you might...
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Book Review: Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server (Packt)

Summary Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server, by David Smiley and Eric Pugh is a must-have for all new-comers to Solr. ...
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Solritas: Solr 1.4’s Hidden Gem

Solr 1.4 contains a little advertised feature that I think folks ought to know about, Solritas.  What a silly name,...
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Solr Flair at ApacheCon US 09 (Lucene Meetup)

Solr Flair: Search User Interfaces Powered by Apache Solr (ApacheCon US 2009, Lucene Meetup) View more documents from Erik Hatcher.
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Lucene in Action, 2nd edition, available!

Lucene in Action, 2nd edition is now available through the Manning Early Access Program. We've arranged for an exclusive discount,...
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acts_as_solr with Rich Document Indexing

A hearty thanks to the Central Virginia Ruby Enthusiasts' Group, who invited me to speak on Solr+Ruby giving me a...
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