Articles: Apache Spark


Lucidworks Announces $50M in Growth Financing

A very happy Thursday it is! "Today Lucidworks, the leader in AI-powered search and discovery, announced $50 million in growth...
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Use Head-n-Tail Analysis to Increase Engagement

One of the most exciting new features in Fusion is Head-n-Tail Analysis. Strangely enough this has nothing to do with...
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Fusion 4 Ready for Download

We are pleased to announce the release of Fusion 4, our application development platform for creating powerful search-driven data applications....
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Lucidworks Fusion 3 is Ready for Download

We are happy to announce the release of Fusion 3, the newest version of our platform for building search and...
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Analyzing Enron with Solr, Spark, and Fusion

At Lucene/Solr Revolution this year I taught a course on using Big Data technologies with Apache Solr and by extension...
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Solr as SparkSQL DataSource, Part II

Solr as a SparkSQL DataSource Part II Co-authored with Kiran Chitturi, Lucidworks Data Engineer Last August, we introduced you to...
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Better Feature Engineering with Spark, Solr, and Lucene Analyzers

This blog post is about new features in the Lucidworks spark-solr open source toolkit. For an introduction to the spark-solr...
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Top Blog Posts of 2015

2015 was a banner year for our blog with fresh posts popping up constantly across a broad selection of topics...
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Lucidworks Fusion 2.1 Now Available!

Today we’re releasing Fusion 2.1 LTS, our most recent version of Fusion offering Long-Term Support (LTS). Last month, we released...
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Solr as an Apache Spark SQL DataSource

Part 1 of 2: Read Solr results as a DataFrame This post is the first in a two-part series where...
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