Articles: Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 Modern Factory: Project Engineer Talks to Female Operator who Controls Facility Production Manufacturing Line, Uses Computer with Screens Showing Generative AI, Machine Learning Enhanced Assembly Process

44% of Manufacturers Are Concerned About Gen AI Response Accuracy

Learn how manufacturers can address AI accuracy concerns with generative AI guardrails and unlock the full potential of AI for innovation and efficiency.
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Two autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) navigate a warehouse aisle, demonstrating the power of generative AI in modern commerce operations to improve accuracy and efficiency.

How Lucidworks Combats Gen AI Hallucinations in Commerce

ChatGPT sold a Tahoe for $1? Learn how grounded search and discovery solutions prevent AI blunders and transform shopping with real, accurate answers integrated into a full customer experience.
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Close up an automatic welding torch with a multiracial Engineer colleague discussing the Robot Development Plant, smart factory, and Industry Engineering Intelligence Innovation Technology concept

Why Precise AI Responses in Manufacturing Matter

Learn how to avoid critical-component manufacturing disasters with precise AI responses, powered by generative AI guardrails.
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Artificial Intelligence digital concept illustrate of modern internet technology and innovative processes

Gen AI Guardrails: 5 Risks to Your Business and How to Avoid Them

Discover the hidden risks of AI and how to protect your business with Gen AI guardrails that improve customer experiences and compliance.
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A laptop screen displays a data visualization with numbers and figures representing B2B customers' search behavior. The image illustrates the process of analyzing search data to optimize customer experience (CX) and increase sales in the B2B commerce sector. pen_spark tune share more_vert

Search as a Strategy: Unlocking the Power of B2B Commerce CX

What are the secrets to exceptional B2B customer experiences? Learn surprising ways to use search to streamline complex buying processes and build loyalty.
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AI in manufacturing and distribution; Future Technology 3D Concept: Automated Retail Warehouse AGV Robots with Infographics Delivering Cardboard Boxes in Distribution Logistics Center. Automated Guided Vehicles Goods, Products, Packages

The Future of AI in Search and Discovery for Manufacturers and Distributors

AI has the potential to transform search and discovery processes for manufacturing buyers. Find out how.
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B2B buyer researching procurement options, with a diagram of the online purchasing process.

Win B2B Buyers with Smarter Search and More

Elevate your B2B digital experience. Learn how search, personalization, and self-service tools win over modern B2B buyers.
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How Generative AI and Lucidworks Enhance B2B Commerce

Lucidworks built its latest integration with generative AI for B2B commerce and manufacturing organizations. According to a recent survey, one...
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Manufacturing workers in a factory setting with generative AI data visualizations overlaid, suggesting real-time production optimization.

Manufacturing and Generative AI: A Look at the Future of Search and Knowledge Discovery

The manufacturing sector is no stranger to technological advancements. Now, it's on the cusp of a transformative shift driven by...
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How AI Transforms Discovery in Manufacturing and Distribution

Learn how AI in manufacturing and distribution can optimize knowledge discovery and search for their users.
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Why Manufacturers Must Invest in Digital Ecosystem to Drive Performance

To continue pushing boundaries and go even faster, manufacturers must invest in the long game by prioritizing the development of their digital ecosystem. 
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How to Make Manufactures More Agile

Digital transformation has come to industry at last — with the aim of making every sort of manufacturer more agile...
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