Articles: AI & Machine Learning

Woman cheerful emotion making e-commerce paying for goods in the e-commerces app with devices phones and cards representing effective product discovery experience.

What Is AI-Powered Product Discovery?

Find out why investing in intelligent search is essential for any online business.
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A woman sits at a desk, deep in thought, surrounded by documents and a laptop. She is contemplating the strategic implementation of generative AI for knowledge management in her organization, weighing the risks and rewards of this transformative technology.

5 Things to Think About Before Pursuing a Gen AI Search Project

When it comes to Gen AI search projects for knowledge management, avoid costly mistakes with these 5 tips.
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Industry 4.0 Modern Factory: Project Engineer Talks to Female Operator who Controls Facility Production Manufacturing Line, Uses Computer with Screens Showing Generative AI, Machine Learning Enhanced Assembly Process

44% of Manufacturers Are Concerned About Gen AI Response Accuracy

Learn how manufacturers can address AI accuracy concerns with generative AI guardrails and unlock the full potential of AI for innovation and efficiency.
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A person holds a tablet displaying a detailed 3D map with an orange location pin hovering above a lush green landscape. The map appears to be augmented reality, with light and particles emanating from the screen, representing AI search in the hospitality industry.

The Hospitality AI Search Revolution: Beyond Dates and Destinations

AI search could transform hospitality brands from lodging providers to full-fledged personalized travel experience curators.
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A retail store scene with a mannequin displaying clothing and a table showcasing various digital icons representing sales data, payment methods, shipping, and AI-powered retail analytics tools. The image highlights the integration of generative AI in enhancing the retail experience.

Generative AI in Retail: Leading Adoption, But Feeling the Pressure

Our 2024 benchmark study reveals unique challenges and opportunities for implementing generative AI in retail.
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Asian woman studying a see through screen which is producing lines of AI generated text. A ChatBot similar to A.I. is being read attentively by this woman, representing increased generative AI adoption and concerns around Gen AI.

The State of Generative AI in 2024: Benchmarking the Hype vs. Reality

Our benchmark study reveals how to succeed with generative AI adoption in 2024.
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An African American man is sitting at a desk, focused on his computer screen. He is interacting with a generative AI-powered chatbot, asking questions and receiving relevant information to help him with his work. The chatbot interface is prominently displayed on the screen, showcasing a conversation thread with the man's queries and the AI's informative responses.

How Lucidworks & Gen AI Empower Your Workforce

Transform knowledge management with Lucidworks and Gen AI. Equip your employees with intelligent search and accurate answers while safeguarding your data.
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Two autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) navigate a warehouse aisle, demonstrating the power of generative AI in modern commerce operations to improve accuracy and efficiency.

How Lucidworks Combats Gen AI Hallucinations in Commerce

ChatGPT sold a Tahoe for $1? Learn how grounded search and discovery solutions prevent AI blunders and transform shopping with real, accurate answers integrated into a full customer experience.
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A magnifying glass hovers over the Google search bar, symbolizing the need for scrutiny and precision in AI-powered search results to avoid misinformation and "hallucinations."

Why Google’s AI Overview Recommended ‘Rocks’ and ‘Pizza Glue’

Google's AI couldn't tell satire from fact. This highlights the need for AI to be grounded in truth to avoid "hallucinations" and deliver reliable information.
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A young professional woman sits at her desk, using a laptop to search the company intranet.

Can Gen AI Guardrails Fix Your Broken Intranet Search?

Don't let your intranet search hold your employees back. Learn how Gen AI guardrails can turn it into a reliable source of knowledge.
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A young African American man looks concerned at his mobile phone, suggesting worry and discomfort with gen ai personalization.

The Gen AI Personalization Paradox: When AI Gets Too Friendly

We cover the good, the bad, and the (privacy) ugly when it comes to Gen AI personalization. Here's how to add the right guardrails.
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Close up an automatic welding torch with a multiracial Engineer colleague discussing the Robot Development Plant, smart factory, and Industry Engineering Intelligence Innovation Technology concept

Why Precise AI Responses in Manufacturing Matter

Learn how to avoid critical-component manufacturing disasters with precise AI responses, powered by generative AI guardrails.
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