Wide and deep catalogs magnify the importance of balance between recall and relevance. Understand intent with semantic search and always deliver relevant products with dense vector approaches. Our technology turns your zero results into conversions so you can focus on more important strategies. Accelerate the path to purchase with hyper-relevant typeahead suggestions and contextually relevant recommendations. Dirty data? We’ll clean it up for an effective index that will deliver sales growth from day one. Learn more
From Apparel to Automotive and Specialty to Science we’ve mastered product discovery in your domain. You won’t need a Phd to deliver the power of machine learning to your customers. With sophisticated technology and easy to use analytics and merchandising too. Learn more
We know how critical product discovery is, especially when your business depends on it. We also know how important it is to drive your brand strategies and the challenges that creates in product discovery. Lucidworks understands intent and retrieves your relevant products, every time. Channeling shoppers through products and content to conversion is both an art and a science. Lucidworks has optimized algorithms, analytics, and merchandising tools to make revenue growth easy. Learn more